(n) / fiˈlanθrəpi /
from the Greek to love humankind
GiveBLACK aims to stimulate and support a more self-sustaining ecosystem of community giving by and for Black people in Britain.
As a first step, GiveBLACK with support from UCL Culture commissioned qualitative research to understand the value of Black giving in terms of how, why, why not and to whom donations are made.
Valuing the Black Philanthropic Pound: Patterns and Motivations for Black Giving in Britain
What we are doing
We are amassing an evidence-based understanding of the motivations and patterns of Black philanthropy in Britain through research and community engagement.
Armed with this insight, we will convene philanthropists, donors and non-profit organisations drawn from Britain’s Black communities in order to galvanise intentional giving. With such understanding, we can nurture the supply side of Black giving and guide guide investment into our communities and to benefit wider society.
How we are making an impact
GiveBLACK is working to separate the myths from the realities of Black giving where our communities are seen primarily as recipients of charity rather than as giving. It is an anecdotal truth that those with the least are often those who give most. Black Britons have a strong history of philanthropy and volunteerism through churches, mosques and other community-based organisations.

Valuing the Black Philanthropic Pound: Motivations and Patterns for Black Giving in Britain
Black Britons have a strong history of giving and volunteerism through churches, mosques and other community-based networks. There is an ethos in the Black community of giving time, treasure, talent and testimony that is not readily visible and thus does not translate into the power and influence that other communities enjoy.
As a first step, GiveBLACK with support from UCL Culture commissioned qualitative research to understand the value of Black giving in terms of how, why, why not and to whom donations are made.